

发布时间:July 10, 2012 // 分类:Mail // No Comments


cat /etc/postfix/main.cf
smtpd_sender_login_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_sender #用户与邮件账号匹配表
smtpd_sender_restrictions = 
      reject_sender_login_mismatch #拒绝发送邮件与登录用户不匹配的邮件
smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
#     permit_mynetworks,  #去除网络区域认证
      permit_sasl_authenticated #用户认证模式


cat /etc/postfix/sasl_sender
root@www.haiyun.me       root


postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_sender


sendEmail -v -f test@www.haiyun.me -t mail@www.haiyun.me -s smtp.www.haiyun.me -u "test" -m "测试sendemail" -xu root -xp passwd
Feb 29 11:08:00 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: DEBUG => Connecting to smtp.www.haiyun.me:25
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: DEBUG => My IP address is:
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: SUCCESS => Received:     220 mail.www.haiyun.me ESMTP "ONOVPS Mail Server"
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: INFO => Sending:     EHLO centos5.7-x86
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: DEBUG => SMTP-AUTH: Using LOGIN authentication method
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: INFO => Sending:     AUTH LOGIN
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: SUCCESS => Received:     235 2.0.0 Authentication successful
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: DEBUG => User authentication was successful (Method: LOGIN)
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: INFO => Sending:     MAIL FROM:<test@www.haiyun.me>
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: SUCCESS => Received:     250 2.1.0 Ok
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: INFO => Sending:     RCPT TO:<mail@www.haiyun.me>
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: WARNING => The recipient <mail@www.haiyun.me> was rejected by the mail server, error follows:
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: WARNING => Received:     553 5.7.1 <test@www.haiyun.me>: Sender address rejected: not owned by user root
Feb 29 11:08:01 centos5 sendEmail[21973]: ERROR => Exiting. No recipients were accepted for delivery by the mail server.
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